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Therma Differential Thermometer two channel, T1 or T2 or T1 minus T2 differential

Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : Contact us for delivery
Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : Out of Stock

Part Number : 231-022

The Therma Differential digital thermometer is ideal for HVAC applications because it allows the user to use two type K thermocouple probes at the same time. The display can be set to show the temperature of probe T1 or T2, or the difference between probes T1 and T2 (T1-T2). This allows the temperature drop across radiators or the temperature rise or fall of two items to be measured, for example. The Therma Differential measures temperature with a 0.1 °C resolution from -99.9 to 299.9 °C or 300 to 1372 °C with a 1 °C resolution. A custom LCD display with °C, T1, T2, diff, hold, open circuit, low battery indication, and an optional backlight is included with the thermometer.

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