
Model Options

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Type: BACnet MS/TP or Modbus® RTU communication protocol (default disabled, display selectable)
>20 microsiemens
400 psi (27.6 bar) @ 100º F (37.8°C)
Drop: < 0.1 psi at 12 ft/s in 4" (101.6 mm) and larger pipe
(1) Analog: 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, 0-10 V or 2-10 V (display selectable)
(1) Pulse/Frequency: 0-15 V peak pulse, 0 to 500 Hz or scalable pulse output (display selectable)
(2) Alarm: (1) Empty pipe detection or minimum/maximum velocity, (display selectable)
(1) Reverse flow output indication
12 to 42.4 VDC, .25 A @ 24 VDC
12 to 36 VAC
2" ( 5.08 cm) x 2" (5.08 cm) graphic LCD with backlight
Powder coated die cast aluminum
NEMA 6P (IP68) (Non display models)
NEMA 4X (IP66) (-LCD option)
Dwyer Instruments
Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Transmitter
0 to 20 ft/s (0 to 6 m/s)
Wetted: Body shaft/fitting: 316SS
Electrodes: 316SS
Electrode cap: Polymer/Polystyrene
O-ring: Silicon
High accuracy units: ±0.5% of reading at calibrated velocity
±1% of reading from 2 to 20 ft/s (0.6 to 6 m/s)
±0.02 ft/s (±0.006 m/s) at < 2 ft/s (0.6 m/s)
Standard accuracy units: ±1% FS
Most popular plastic and metal pipes
i.e. Carbon steel, SS, copper, UPVC/PVDF, galvanized steel, mild steel, and brass
Ambient: -20 to 160°F (-29 to 71°C)
Process: 15 to 250°F (-9 to 121°C)
Storage: -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C)
4 to 36" (101 to 914 mm), model dependent. See model chart on catalog page
>10 upstream, >5 downstream
0 to 100% display selectable
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, or 115200 bps (display selectable)
1/8 unit load.

Dwyer Instruments IEF-EN-CND-COM-LCD | Insertion Electromagnetic flow transmitter | 8" (200 MM) pipe only | High accuracy 1% of reading | 1" male NPT process connection | 1/2" female NPT conduit connection | BACnet/Modbus® communication output with LCD display

Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : Contact us for delivery
Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : Out of Stock

Part Number : IEF-EN-CND-COM-LCD

The Model IEF-EN-CND-COM-LCD Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Transmitter is an adjustable insertion flowmeter using electromagnetic technology that provides many continuous signal outputs along with an accurate and dependable measurement of fluid velocity. This series is particularly made to provide excellent performance together with ease of use and installation. One device has many output possibilities, including configurable BACnet MS/TP or Modbus® RTU communications protocol over 2-wire RS-485 in addition to the typical analog, frequency, and alarm outputs. It can accommodate pipe widths ranging from 4" to 36" (102 to 914 mm).

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