Products - Pressure Indicators & Temperature Indicators
Pressure Indicators & Temperature Indicators
Instruments called pressure and temperature indicators are used in a variety of industrial processes and applications to measure and show pressure and temperature, respectively. There are many different kinds of pressure indicators, such as digital pressure indicators with numerical displays, analog gauges with a pointer and scale, and smart pressure transmitters that offer digital output signals for control system integration. There are many different kinds of temperature indicators, such as digital temperature indicators with numerical displays, infrared thermometers, temperature probes with remote sensors, and traditional dial thermometers.
FLUIDWELL F190P | Intrinsically safe - Multi-Purpose Monitor | With alarm outputs and configurable hysteresis | Multi Purpose Inputs (0)4 – 20mA.
Part Number : F190P
Part Number : F190PFLUIDWELL F190P | Intrinsically safe - Multi-Purpose Monitor | With alarm outputs and configurable hysteresis | Multi Purpose Inputs (0)4 – 20mA.